29 Jun

Analysis and warning about technological assistance regarding tactical communications for Iranian militias in the Middle East

Recent developments have highlighted the growth of the communications network of Iranian-backed militias operating across the Middle East. This is mainly facilitated by strategic support in tactical communications from some regimes, which poses a threat to the security of the Middle East.

 Tactical communications technology support

Supporting the militias with tactical equipment plays a vital role on several fronts, and it has recently emerged how the militias operating under the authority of Iran in the East were able to protect their vital communications network and enhance communication between them and other militias in a safe manner, which portends a grave danger to which the countries of the Middle East must be aware. We see that there are some regimes that provide technological support to terrorist organizations operating under Iran's wing in the East and provide them with the necessary equipment to secure their communications network. At the tactical level, we see that there is an exchange of intelligence information between these regimes and militias, which greatly enhances the effectiveness of militia operations in the region. There are often reports of military advisers training these militia soldiers in the use of advanced communications equipment.

Future outlook

The support of the some regimes for tactical communications for these terrorist militias operating under Iran's wing in the Middle East represents an imminent threat to the security of the Middle East, and as this support continues, it is likely to have a greater impact on the region.